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Teko ETHIOPIA 200g filter specialty kávé

3.990 Ft
Pörkölési profil
Elérhetőség: Készleten

beyond within specialty kávé 

Ha nem online rendelnél, a Madal Cafe & CoffeeHub üzleteinkben is általában mindig van frissen beérkezett készletünk. /Mindhárom üzletünk nyitvatartása: H-P 7:30-19:30, Sz-V: 8:30-19:30/ V.Bp Alkotmány u 4. 06-20-534-7614 V.Bp Ferenciek t. 3. 06-70-945-8279. XIII.Bp Hollán E. u 3: 06-20-281-9691 /TÉRKÉP/

Leírás és Paraméterek

virágos - oolong tea - karamell

Flavour notes: floral - oolong tea - caramel

Eljárás I Process: Mosott / Washed  I  Magasság I Altitude: 1910m

Fajta I Varietal: Heirloom  I  Régió I Region: Yirgacheffe

This single producer lot comes from Mr. Tadese Teko in the Shale village near Worka town in Yirgacheffe.

Mr Tadese Teko is one of millions of farmers who live in the highlands of Ethiopia and relied on coffee to support their livelihoods. He lived in Southern Ethiopia, Gedeo Zone, Gedeb district which is known for its high quality coffee production. He owns 8 hectares of land which is large by the standards of the area where average land size is 4 hectares. Mr Tadese has 9 children and he manages to send his children to school thanks to the income he receives from coffee sales.

Farmers in the area usually create natural fertilizer utilizing waste and no chemical fertilizer is applied for coffee grown in such areas. Besides supplying their coffee most small-holder farmers in the area also work in the washing stations as laborers to get extra income during the picking season.

Mr Tadese usually produces washed coffees and usually supplied to to nearby washing stations. He is honored to have his coffee separated out for its exceptional quality.

Fajta Szemes kávé
Kategória Unique
Pörkölési szint Világos pörkölés
Származás Etiópia